Monday, March 29, 2010

Calls for 30/03/2010

1 YESBANK buy at 257/257.5 with stoploss at 255, target 262/63.

2 MARUTI buy at 1428/30 with stoploss at 1418, target 1442/45.

Profit booked on 29/03/10

1 PUNJLLOYD no trade as opened gap up.

2 ICICIBANK booked at 958, profit Rs 11 per share and per lot Rs. 3850.

Total net profit Rs 3850.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Calls for 29/3/10

1 PUNJLLOYD buy at 185/185.5 with stoploss at 183, target 188/189.

2 ICICIBANK buy at 947 with stoploss at 940, target 960/62.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Profit booked on 17/03/10

1 TATAPOWER no trade as opened gap up.

2 GRASIM booked on target 2940, profit Rs 35 per share and per lot Rs 6160.

Total net profit Rs 6160.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Calls for 17/03/10

1 TATAPOWER buy at 1384/85 with stoploss at 1375, target 1408/10.

2 GRASIM buy at 2900/02 with stoploss at 2880, target 2940.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Profit booked on 15/03/10

1 CAIRN booked at 277 profit Rs 1 per share and per lot Rs 1250.

2 ABAN booked on target 1210, profit Rs 35 per share and per lot Rs 14000.

Total net profit Rs 15250.

Calls for 15/03/10

1 CAIRN buy at 276/77 with stoploss at 273, target 283/84.

2 ABAN sell at 1244/45 with stoploss at 1258, target 1210.

Weekly profit

Weekly profit for the week 8/03/10 to 12/03/10.

Total net profit Rs 12190.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Profit booked on 11/03/10

1 HEROHONDA no trade.

2 HDFC booked at 2715 profit Rs 10 per share and per lot Rs 1500.

Total net profit Rs 1500.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Calls for 11/03/10

1 HEROHONDA buy at 1938 with stoploss at 1925, target 1948/50.

2 HDFC buy at 2705 with stoplss at 2680, target 2728/30.

Profit booked on 10/3/10

1 INFOSYS booked at 2689, profit Rs 6 per share and per lot Rs 1200.

2 MARUTI booked at 1515, profit Rs 18 per share and per lot Rs 3600.

Total net profit Rs 4800.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Calls for 10/03/10

1 INFOSYS buy at 2682/83 with stoploss at 2675, target 2708/10.

2 MARUTI buy at 1497/98 with stoploss at 1488, target 1528/30.

Profit booked on 9/03/10

1 ABB no trade as opened gap up.

2 HEROHONDA booked at 1900, profit Rs -13 per share and per lot Rs -2600.

3 LUPIN booked at 1600, profit Rs 13 per share and per lot Rs 4550.

Total net profit Rs 1890.

Calls for 9/03/10

1 ABB buy at 845/46 with stoploss at 838 target 859/60.

2 HEROHONDA buy at 1913/1914 with stoploss at 1900, target 1938/40.

3 LUPIN buy at 1585/87 with stoploss at 1570, target 1620/25.

Profit booked on 8/03/10

1 ABB booked on target 836, profit Rs 8 per share and per lot Rs 4000.

2 DLF no trade as opened gap up.

Total net profit Rs 4000.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Calls for 8/03/10

1 ABB buy at 821/22 with stoploss at 816, target 835/36.

2 DLF buy at 315/16 with stoploss at 312, target 324/25.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Profit booked on 5/03/10

1 TATA STEEL no trade, opened gap up.

2 GUJ NRE COKE delivery call booked on 2nd target, profit Rs 8 per share.

Total net profit Rs 8000.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Calls for 5/03/10

1 TATASTEEL buy at 616/617 with stoploss at 610, target 628/29.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Profit booked on 4/03/10

1 GRASIM booked on target 2795, profit Rs 41 per share and per lot Rs 7216.

2 JPASSO no trade.

3 GUJ NRE COKE hold close at 84.8

Total net profit Rs 7216.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Calls for 4/03/10

1 GRASIM buy at 2754/55 with stoploss at 2742, target 2795/2800.

2 JPASSO buy at 145/145.5 with stoploss at 142, target 150/52.

3 GUJ NRE COKE buy for delivery 1 st target 86, 2 nd target 90.

Profit booked on 3/03/10

1 RANBAXY booked at 488, profit Rs 8 per share and per lot Rs 6400.

2 SAIL booked at 229, profit Rs 4 per share and per lot Rs 5400.

Total profit Rs 11800.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Calls for 3/03/10

1 RANBAXY buy at 480/81 with stoploss at 474, target 494/95.

2 SAIL buy at 224/225 with stoploss at 221, target 231/232.

Profit booked on 2/03/10

1 LT no trade though target achieved as opened gap up.

2 TATA MOTORS no trade though target achieved as opened gap up.

Calls for 2/03/10

1 LT buy at 1564/65 with stoploss at 1557, target 1590/92.

2 TATAMOTORS buy at 710/11 with stoploss at 703, target 723/24.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Weekly Profit

Weekly profit for the week 22/02/10 to 26/02/10

Total net profit Rs 10750.