Friday, August 21, 2009

Booked Profit on 21/08/09

1 MARUTI booked full profit at target 1390, profit of Rs 18 per share and per lot Rs 3600.

2 ABB booked full profit at target 702, profit of Rs 12 per share and per lot Rs 6000.

3 KOTAKBANK booked at 707, profit of Rs 7 per share and per lot Rs 3850.

Total net profit of Rs 13450.


Unknown said...

is this profit on one lot?

Daytradeprofits said...

Yes,on one lot only.

Unknown said...

Thanks for Ur Reply DTP.
I wanted to know if you can give calls through MSN messenger?

Being a newbie to trading, it would be of great help to know when to enter and exit the market at exact time.

Daytradeprofits said...

Hi, As of now msn wont be possible, may be in a short while.
To enter follow the trend, see if the stock is trending up or down and then take the position, keep the trailing stoploss if the position is favorable, and exit even if the price is near to the target.
All the best.